Our deliverer by Timothyjohngreen Lyrics
our living breathing creator
a nurturer and mentor
out of the bucket he gets the clay
reinforcing us as we pray
oh the day to see our maker
fresh and vibrant
he will never forsake you
like mining for that precious stone
digging digging
sitting and watching
like a box hit smash
looking upon us with a longing Love So Strong
let's cut to the chase
we haven't got long
if you choose our lord
nothing can go wrong
a nurturer and mentor
out of the bucket he gets the clay
reinforcing us as we pray
oh the day to see our maker
fresh and vibrant
he will never forsake you
like mining for that precious stone
digging digging
sitting and watching
like a box hit smash
looking upon us with a longing Love So Strong
let's cut to the chase
we haven't got long
if you choose our lord
nothing can go wrong