I Hope Yer There by Tim Fite Lyrics
Say hello to your mama
Say hello to your dad
Say hello to the young and the old
Say hello to the man in the chair
Say hello to old Bobby
Say hello to old Walt
Say hello, say hello, say hello
Say hello, say hello to 'em all
I really think you are
I pray to God you are
Say hello to Mahatma
Say hello to Edgar Allan
Say hello to the man in the boat
Say hello to the man on the island
Say hello to Nat Turner
Say hello to Romare
Say hello, say hello, say hello
Say hello, say hello to the air
I really think you're there
I hope to God you're there
Down down on the ground
Children gather round
Speak and hold that sound
Gone gone gone
Don't act so surprised
Don't act, close your eyes
Someday, by and by
We all get gone
Say hello to your mama
Say hello to your mama
::(seek not ye what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink)
Say hello to your mama
::(neither be ye of doubtful mind)
::(for all these things do the nations of the world seek after)
Say hello to your mama
::(and your Father knowest that ye have need for these things)
Say hello
::(but rather seek the the kingdom of God)
::(and all these things shall be added unto you)
Go on, say
Say hello to your dad
Say hello to the young and the old
Say hello to the man in the chair
Say hello to old Bobby
Say hello to old Walt
Say hello, say hello, say hello
Say hello, say hello to 'em all
I really think you are
I pray to God you are
Say hello to Mahatma
Say hello to Edgar Allan
Say hello to the man in the boat
Say hello to the man on the island
Say hello to Nat Turner
Say hello to Romare
Say hello, say hello, say hello
Say hello, say hello to the air
I really think you're there
I hope to God you're there
Down down on the ground
Children gather round
Speak and hold that sound
Gone gone gone
Don't act so surprised
Don't act, close your eyes
Someday, by and by
We all get gone
Say hello to your mama
Say hello to your mama
::(seek not ye what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink)
Say hello to your mama
::(neither be ye of doubtful mind)
::(for all these things do the nations of the world seek after)
Say hello to your mama
::(and your Father knowest that ye have need for these things)
Say hello
::(but rather seek the the kingdom of God)
::(and all these things shall be added unto you)
Go on, say