SCP-2176 by The SCP Foundation Lyrics
Item #: SCP-2176
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-2176 containing Class-A ectomorphs are to be stored in a Class-4 Ectoproof Containment Vault at Site-96.
Titan Consumer Appliances and Electronics is to be monitored by Foundation agents to ensure that any new paratechnology products developed by the company will not threaten normalcy.
Description: SCP-2176 is a brand of anomalous lightbulbs developed by Titan Consumer Appliances and Electronics,1 originally marketed under the name "Ghostlightâ„¢".
The outward appearance of SCP-2176 brand lightbulbs resembles that of non-anomalous fluorescent lightbulbs sold for household use. However, their operating principles are analogous to those of an incandescent lamp, which uses an electric current to heat a tungsten filament. A similar process is used in SCP-2176 bulbs, with the tungsten filament replaced by a high-density ectoplasm2 solution consisting of ectomorphs.3 In order to prevent ectoplasm leakage from the bulb, the interior surface is treated with an ectoproof coating.
Documents and testimony taken from TCAE representatives show that the ectoplasm used in SCP-2176 was sourced from a number of third-party suppliers, primarily the Group of Interest known as "The Factory" (GoI-010). Analysis has revealed that Factory-supplied ectoplasm consists of Class-A and -B ectomorphs, while ectoplasm sourced from other suppliers consists of Class-B, -C, and -D ectomorphs in varying amounts.4 It is believed that TCAE was unaware of this fact.
TCAE marketed SCP-2176 as a new type of fluorescent lightbulb, one which was cheaper, safer, and longer lasting. However, these lightbulbs posed a hazard due to the presence of Class-A ectomorphs within them. When an SCP-2176 lightbulb is shattered, the ectomorphs contained within are released into the surrounding environment. While the Class-B, -C, and -D ectomorphs safely dissipate and disperse when this happens, the Class-A ectomorphs remain in the area and cause anomalous events, usually involving electrical malfunctions.
Foundation involvement and containment efforts began in 2006, approximately six months after TCAE began selling SCP-2176 to consumers, following a rise in the number of household electrocutions. Once a causal link to SCP-2176 was established, the Foundation was able to convince TCAE to order a recall of the defective bulbs. Subsequent investigation revealed the presence of Class-A ectomorphs in approximately 40% of all SCP-2176 lightbulbs.
Addendum 2176-1: TCAE has since ceased its use of the Factory as a supplier, and has agreed to follow Foundation safety standards and marketing guidelines for products containing paratechnology. This is considered a cheaper and more reliable method of maintaining normalcy than forcing TCAE to cease its operations. As part of this agreement, TCAE will also begin supplying the Foundation with certain pieces of necessary paratechnology, starting with improved Kardec Counters.5
1. A paratechnology company focused on consumer applications of anomalous technology, formed in 1999 by a number of former employees of Prometheus Laboratories.
2. A semi-corporeal fluid which is transparent under normal circumstances and evaporates at room temperature. When subjected to an electric current it will emit visible-wavelength photons in a process known as ectoluminescence.
3. Ectomorphs are anomalous entities composed of ectoplasm, sometimes created by the death of a living organism. In less clinical language, they are often called ghosts.
4. Ectomorphs are classified based on sapiency and agency (ability to take physical action). Only Class-A ectomorphs possess both sapiency and agency. Class-B possess sapiency but not agency, Class-C possess agency but not sapiency, and Class-D possess neither.
5. Devices that use ectoluminescence to detect ectomorphs
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-2176 containing Class-A ectomorphs are to be stored in a Class-4 Ectoproof Containment Vault at Site-96.
Titan Consumer Appliances and Electronics is to be monitored by Foundation agents to ensure that any new paratechnology products developed by the company will not threaten normalcy.
Description: SCP-2176 is a brand of anomalous lightbulbs developed by Titan Consumer Appliances and Electronics,1 originally marketed under the name "Ghostlightâ„¢".
The outward appearance of SCP-2176 brand lightbulbs resembles that of non-anomalous fluorescent lightbulbs sold for household use. However, their operating principles are analogous to those of an incandescent lamp, which uses an electric current to heat a tungsten filament. A similar process is used in SCP-2176 bulbs, with the tungsten filament replaced by a high-density ectoplasm2 solution consisting of ectomorphs.3 In order to prevent ectoplasm leakage from the bulb, the interior surface is treated with an ectoproof coating.
Documents and testimony taken from TCAE representatives show that the ectoplasm used in SCP-2176 was sourced from a number of third-party suppliers, primarily the Group of Interest known as "The Factory" (GoI-010). Analysis has revealed that Factory-supplied ectoplasm consists of Class-A and -B ectomorphs, while ectoplasm sourced from other suppliers consists of Class-B, -C, and -D ectomorphs in varying amounts.4 It is believed that TCAE was unaware of this fact.
TCAE marketed SCP-2176 as a new type of fluorescent lightbulb, one which was cheaper, safer, and longer lasting. However, these lightbulbs posed a hazard due to the presence of Class-A ectomorphs within them. When an SCP-2176 lightbulb is shattered, the ectomorphs contained within are released into the surrounding environment. While the Class-B, -C, and -D ectomorphs safely dissipate and disperse when this happens, the Class-A ectomorphs remain in the area and cause anomalous events, usually involving electrical malfunctions.
Foundation involvement and containment efforts began in 2006, approximately six months after TCAE began selling SCP-2176 to consumers, following a rise in the number of household electrocutions. Once a causal link to SCP-2176 was established, the Foundation was able to convince TCAE to order a recall of the defective bulbs. Subsequent investigation revealed the presence of Class-A ectomorphs in approximately 40% of all SCP-2176 lightbulbs.
Addendum 2176-1: TCAE has since ceased its use of the Factory as a supplier, and has agreed to follow Foundation safety standards and marketing guidelines for products containing paratechnology. This is considered a cheaper and more reliable method of maintaining normalcy than forcing TCAE to cease its operations. As part of this agreement, TCAE will also begin supplying the Foundation with certain pieces of necessary paratechnology, starting with improved Kardec Counters.5
1. A paratechnology company focused on consumer applications of anomalous technology, formed in 1999 by a number of former employees of Prometheus Laboratories.
2. A semi-corporeal fluid which is transparent under normal circumstances and evaporates at room temperature. When subjected to an electric current it will emit visible-wavelength photons in a process known as ectoluminescence.
3. Ectomorphs are anomalous entities composed of ectoplasm, sometimes created by the death of a living organism. In less clinical language, they are often called ghosts.
4. Ectomorphs are classified based on sapiency and agency (ability to take physical action). Only Class-A ectomorphs possess both sapiency and agency. Class-B possess sapiency but not agency, Class-C possess agency but not sapiency, and Class-D possess neither.
5. Devices that use ectoluminescence to detect ectomorphs