Pictures of the Uncanny by The Holeum Lyrics
Although we are not able to walk
Neither to move around by our feet
Everything is still difficult and uncanny
In such an advanced era
Our essence has an eternal companion
The void of loneliness and silence
Of the darkness hiding behind the stars
Humans rally to the call of the impossible things
That make us feel an addictive anxiety
Of reaching those things that burn
And slip from our hands like a jelly fish
Although we are not able to walk
Humans rally to the call of the impossible things
Of reaching those things that burn
In such an advanced era
Neither to move around by our feet
Everything is still difficult and uncanny
In such an advanced era
Our essence has an eternal companion
The void of loneliness and silence
Of the darkness hiding behind the stars
Humans rally to the call of the impossible things
That make us feel an addictive anxiety
Of reaching those things that burn
And slip from our hands like a jelly fish
Although we are not able to walk
Humans rally to the call of the impossible things
Of reaching those things that burn
In such an advanced era