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Sola by Stephen Lay Lyrics

Genre: rap | Year: 2021

By Grace alone means God decides
And from his Grace you cannot hide
No genocide or deicide can
Stop him bringing you inside
Grace alone, it’s God who draws
And none can interrupt his cause
Isaiah face down on the floor
Eternal heavenly applause
To the Son who is our righteousness
The Spirit who imputed this
To our account despite the fact
That we’re not meritorious
In life or deed or word we need
His Grace to be completely free
There’s nothing he could see in me
That’s worth saving inherently!
Bury me. Under my record of infidelity
Adultery and thievery and manifold idolatry
And lies. Paired with original sin, pride
Don’t you know the fear of God
The first step of the wise?
The lie, is that his work responds to mine
If that were the case I’d be wasting away
And never choose faith and life
There is only fire
There is only one faith
Only Christ the Messiah
Is the God who saves

By Faith alone, it’s not your own
But a gift from above
Nothing in your hand you bring
There’s no earning his love
All you bring to your salvation
Is your account of condemnation
What you get through imputation
Is applied by the dove
Now hear this point I’m making
Antithetical to pride
The Pharisees are sad you see
Cos even though they tried
No human count of righteousness
No generous donation
No philanthropic charity
Or willing deprivation
Can count towards your case
In the heavenly courtroom
Cos even just one little sin
You weren’t even caught doing
Earns you the wages of death
Eternal separation
It’s good for you that God won’t take it
In consideration
When you’re before him face to the floor
On the last day
Only Christ’s perfection will be
Counted towards your grade
There’s nothing you can do to make you
Worthy in his eyes
That’s the way of sorting true religion
From the lies
There is only fire
There is only one faith
Only Christ the Messiah
Is the God who saves

Christ and not Buddha
Jesus and not Mary
Pretending there’s another
Is like dreams, imaginary
No one has the Father
Unless they have the Son
The Word, the second person
Christ the only-begotten one
So Buddha’s out of business
Muhammad’s in the grave
Thor and Krishna?
They could never hope to save
So why’s it only Jesus?
I'll make his case, readily
Uniquely God and man
King prophet and priest presently
We all go back to Adam, Christ’s our
Kinsman redeemer in truth
It's what made Boaz go as
Fit to redeem-marry Ruth
For human penalty
The price must be paid by a man
But only God survives the
Wrath that He dealt with His hand
Tell me who's your federal head?
You're born in Adam who's dead
You're needing Jesus instead
To represent you, and
To make atonement
Ready at any moment
When Satan’s roamin’
It states in Romans
Salvation's showing
Patient groaning
Our sin we're throwing
Where the wind is going
Our Spirit knowing, our Lord
Jehovah's home and his hearth
The case is growing
You've shown a spiritual birth
Praise be to God the father
The Lord of Hosts
And praise the Son, Jesus
Saves to the uttermost
He'll make you blameless and pure
No higher name and no truer
Effectual blood of Yeshua
Sealed by the Ghost
There is only fire
There is only one faith
Only Christ the Messiah
Is the God who saves

Soli Deo Gloria is the
Attitude of gratitude
It's central to the Bible
From Genesis to Beautitudes
It's why we praise God
For all that he does in history
Every action always
Ever to bring himself glory
Third chapter
Of the Genesis of time
When God said 'I'll put enmity
Between your seed and mine’
It wasn’t plan B, it’s
God’s plan A revealed
‘He will crush your head
And you will strike his heel’
It’s there throughout the book
Grab a Bible take a look
I’ll bet Gideon was shook
Tiny army at the brook
And as the ranks are thinning
What gave victory the most?
The Holy righteous judgement
Of Jehovah Lord of Hosts
"How can everything
Like evil and suffering
Pass through the hand of the king
Much less his glory bring?"
Acts 2:23 was God's definite plan
Ordained and brought to pass
By evil actions of man
Because our God is Sovereign
All knowing and in control
Not a second of suffering doesn't
Serve a special role
All things work together for the
Good of those whom he called
It's his eternal council
And his decree will not be stalled

There is only fire
There is only one faith
Only Christ the Messiah
Is the God who saves

The basis of the truths
In which a Christian's hoping
Is fundamentally that the
Lord our God has spoken
God is true by nature
And his speech without error
Like how oranges are orange
I can’t make it any clearer
Because his word is sure
A trustworthy testimony
It’s safe to say we’re saved by grace
Through faith in Christ only
‘But wasn’t scripture written in Hebrew
Greek and Aramaic?
And translated by man later
In King Jimmy’s archaic?'
There's more surviving copies of the
Text of the new testament
Than all of Plato Aristotle
And of Caesar's regiments
So on the one doubting
For their proof lies the burden
Even ask unbelieving
Scholars like Ehrman
Only Scripture speaks with the
Authority of God
No human in Rome, speaking on their own
Can say "thus says the Lord"
The pope is hopeless even if he's
Speaking ex cathedra
He disagrees with Scripture
That makes him a false teacher