Look At Me by STRAIGHT GIRL Lyrics
Soft, like honey
Fat spills and skin deflates
It coats me slow
Trespassing, and guilty
Concrete is so soothing;
Bare soles shuffling
It is thudding
Jolted and jarred
I think I cracked a rib
Warm flesh. So wet
And stripped like bark from bone
Uprooted from a seed
Yet still it is budding
And still, still it is thudding
Look at Me
Fat spills and skin deflates
It coats me slow
Trespassing, and guilty
Concrete is so soothing;
Bare soles shuffling
It is thudding
Jolted and jarred
I think I cracked a rib
Warm flesh. So wet
And stripped like bark from bone
Uprooted from a seed
Yet still it is budding
And still, still it is thudding
Look at Me