Her Ocean Mind by Raven and Frankie Lyrics
Her ocean mind
As she tried to
Gasp for air
Flailing her arms
So Fruitlessly
As if dancing
She sunk in her
Ocean mind
As her limbs fatigued
But She'll fight
And the music
Its soft siren-like
And she sank,.
Like Ophelia
Because the music
It was beautiful
She sunk in her
Ocean mind
As her limbs fatigued
She’ll fight
But no longer
Can she hold on
And that's how they found her
In a casket of mud
Decorated by
Rosemary and rue
As she tried to
Gasp for air
Flailing her arms
So Fruitlessly
As if dancing
She sunk in her
Ocean mind
As her limbs fatigued
But She'll fight
And the music
Its soft siren-like
And she sank,.
Like Ophelia
Because the music
It was beautiful
She sunk in her
Ocean mind
As her limbs fatigued
She’ll fight
But no longer
Can she hold on
And that's how they found her
In a casket of mud
Decorated by
Rosemary and rue