The Elephant by Peter Schickele Lyrics
Once, there was an elephant who had a very bad cold. He was all stuffed up, and he couldn't breathe through his nose
"No one has ever suffered as much as I!", he said to himself
Eventually, he became convinced that his hours were numbered - so he gathered his family and friends around him, and gave away all his possessions
The next day, he woke up in perfect health - and pennilеss
The moral is:
Just because your trunk is packеd doesn’t mean you're ready to go
Once, there was an elephant who had a very bad cold. He was all stuffed up, and he couldn't breathe through his nose
"No one has ever suffered as much as I!", he said to himself
Eventually, he became convinced that his hours were numbered - so he gathered his family and friends around him, and gave away all his possessions
The next day, he woke up in perfect health - and pennilеss
The moral is:
Just because your trunk is packеd doesn’t mean you're ready to go