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Real Fucking Fear by Luge Lyrics

Genre: rock | Year: 2018

Say i love you are you mad, i'm so sorry I've been bad
Take all witnesses put them on the sidewalk
Joke around you'll stay unwed, knee-deep now go back to bed
In the hole of my mind, a crowd of people make a toast
But if you would be so kind, let me be first past the post
I will run an e-e-shop, make the best say bb stop
Hole in the highway, make you go go, make you fast

I'd like to be
So proud of me
Coming up, on top

Playing inside
Sleeping beside
All of my new stuff

Can't smell the air
From inside my lair
I'll be there so soon

I'd like to be
So proud of me
Coming up, on top
Playing inside
Sleeping beside
All of my new stuff

Say i love you are you mad, i'm so sorry I've been bad
Take all witnesses put them on the sidewalk
I will run an e-e-shop, make the best say bb stop
Hole in the highway, make you go go, make you fast

Atver durvis, ieslēdz gaismu
Redzu tur kaut kas sēž aiz gultas
Sienā ienaglotas mammas kaklarotas
Skatās rokās, klausās kabatā
Man nepatīk klauvēt svešā samaņā
Pienāks laiks iziet laukā
Aukstāk, aukstākajā
Pienāks laiks kad jāsāk sumināt
Palikušos draugus
Atnāc parunāt
Skatās rokās, klausās kabatā
Man nepatīk klauvēt svešā samaņā

I'd like to be
So proud of me
Coming up on top
Playing inside
Sleeping beside
All of my new stuff

I'd like to be
So proud of me
Coming up on top