The seeds have joined by Lil Seed Lyrics
Whats up peoples my name lil seed bruh the fish trying to think there the leaders us seeds are amazing fish dont know what there doing they think they can beat the bananas and think they are the best army bruh na they booty and they live in some kind of dirt. Bananas come join us lets destroy those booty fish. theese fishy’s are booty at the game all they try to do kill the bananas and say booty to them
They dog water as a butthole with a sand crab up it ooo they would taste good cooked mhmm Whats up peoples my name lil seed bruh the fish trying to think there the leaders us seeds are amazing fish dont know what there doing they think they can beat the bananas and think they are the best army bruh na they booty and they live in some kind of dirt. Bananas come join us lets destroy those booty fish. theese fishy’s are booty at the game all they try to do kill the bananas and say booty to them
They dog water as a butthole with a sand crab up it ooo they would taste good cooked mhmm
They dog water as a butthole with a sand crab up it ooo they would taste good cooked mhmm Whats up peoples my name lil seed bruh the fish trying to think there the leaders us seeds are amazing fish dont know what there doing they think they can beat the bananas and think they are the best army bruh na they booty and they live in some kind of dirt. Bananas come join us lets destroy those booty fish. theese fishy’s are booty at the game all they try to do kill the bananas and say booty to them
They dog water as a butthole with a sand crab up it ooo they would taste good cooked mhmm