They say of Christianity: there's only one kind
Anything else is a cult that messes with the mind
I think that Christianity needs to be redefined
As anything that leads one to Christ
If it causes one to fall on one's knees and repent
Or realize that one's time is much better spent
On resisting and rebuking the evil serpent
Instead of giving in to him.
If it teaches someone how to love deeper
Or how to act as their brother's keeper
Or that Christ's blood made salvation cheaper
That's Christianity!
But you say “the only correct biblical philosophy
Was given by John Calvin or the 8th King Henry
Roger Williams, Martin Luther or John Wesley”
Each of whom brought new ideas
And new interpretations of God's Word
That had never before been heard
To some the new interpretations sounded absurd
But eventually they gained acceptance
But just because I've gotten rapture ready,
And I'm making it through life's Divine Comedy
By following the philosophy of Mary Baker Eddy
You claim that I am not a real christian.
So with this new definition, this is what I impart:
only God knows if it's a Christian that thou art
As only He can judge what's in one's heart
By how one demonstrates one's faith
So can we please stop with the childish insults
And accusations of membership in the cults.
Every Biblical philosophy gives the same results
By making us all Christians!
Anything else is a cult that messes with the mind
I think that Christianity needs to be redefined
As anything that leads one to Christ
If it causes one to fall on one's knees and repent
Or realize that one's time is much better spent
On resisting and rebuking the evil serpent
Instead of giving in to him.
If it teaches someone how to love deeper
Or how to act as their brother's keeper
Or that Christ's blood made salvation cheaper
That's Christianity!
But you say “the only correct biblical philosophy
Was given by John Calvin or the 8th King Henry
Roger Williams, Martin Luther or John Wesley”
Each of whom brought new ideas
And new interpretations of God's Word
That had never before been heard
To some the new interpretations sounded absurd
But eventually they gained acceptance
But just because I've gotten rapture ready,
And I'm making it through life's Divine Comedy
By following the philosophy of Mary Baker Eddy
You claim that I am not a real christian.
So with this new definition, this is what I impart:
only God knows if it's a Christian that thou art
As only He can judge what's in one's heart
By how one demonstrates one's faith
So can we please stop with the childish insults
And accusations of membership in the cults.
Every Biblical philosophy gives the same results
By making us all Christians!