Distant Love by Harley Lyrics
If I were a rose
(And you the sun)
I would open at each sunrise
To spread my petals out before you
In longing welcome
If you were the sun
(And I a rose)
You would warm me (though from afar)
And I would worry on cloudy days
About your return
Like the sun
You are only known
by how you make me feel
And, like a rose,
I appear lovely
But am guarded by thorns
(I can never be harmed by you
Yet I will never be held)
(And you the sun)
I would open at each sunrise
To spread my petals out before you
In longing welcome
If you were the sun
(And I a rose)
You would warm me (though from afar)
And I would worry on cloudy days
About your return
Like the sun
You are only known
by how you make me feel
And, like a rose,
I appear lovely
But am guarded by thorns
(I can never be harmed by you
Yet I will never be held)