Pride Parade by Eric Benoit Lyrics
It’s bi visibility day
Welcome to the pride parade
Pink, lavender, blue, black and grey, white and purple
Not there today
I met a new woman to fall for
At the fucking pride parade
The irony did not elude me
Did not escape me
She has a snaggle tooth, she writes code
She’s dating a banker now
When we walked down 5th avenue
Maybe I felt accepted before getting tired like I always do
Let’s have a humility parade next year
We can all stand in a corner
Eyes closed, blinds drawn
Pink, lavender, blue, black, grey, white, and purple
Color has lost its lustre
It has no meaning anymore
Welcome to the pride parade
Pink, lavender, blue, black and grey, white and purple
Not there today
I met a new woman to fall for
At the fucking pride parade
The irony did not elude me
Did not escape me
She has a snaggle tooth, she writes code
She’s dating a banker now
When we walked down 5th avenue
Maybe I felt accepted before getting tired like I always do
Let’s have a humility parade next year
We can all stand in a corner
Eyes closed, blinds drawn
Pink, lavender, blue, black, grey, white, and purple
Color has lost its lustre
It has no meaning anymore