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PROMISE by Dr@k01387 Lyrics

Genre: rap | Year: 2018

''sigh'' why
Why do people make promises
What the fuck is a promise

What the fuck
I fucken llok
I fucken see
I see a lot of fucken people
A lot of people

''sigh'' a lot of people
They all be happy
They all making promises
They be promising everone
They promise thell change
That it will be different
That the'll do something
Proise to treat people better
To treat people better
''sigh'' why
Why promises why
Why do people make promise

Why make a promise
If u can't keep it
What the fuck is the point
A promise is supost to be
Ur fucken word
(ur word)

Ur word
Ur supost to do what u said
If u can't even do that
If u can't even do what u said
Why da fuck are u making promises
Don't make a promise then
Cuz all u do is break them
Don;'t break promise
If u can't keep a promise
Then don't make one