Ode to a Woman as Beautiful as the Sky by Dan Burnette Lyrics
If you were to ask me on the 30th of May
Would I ever meet someone who’d make my day
Move slower while I wait, and not matter on a date
I would honestly reply with a no
But the funny thing about that lies
In the fact you’ll never know where life can go
You can meet someone, somewhere some day
That will forever change your soul
For the first time in years I feel alive
As if my spirits been completely revived
That’s why I’ll never take your love for granted or in vain
The only thing I need for certain's, when will I see you again
Everything about you cleanses me completely
As if an eternity’s been spent, absolving my sins to you discreetly
You make me feel whole, while overcome with so much more
Than any other power, I've ever been graced before
There is no pain, there is no sorrow
There is no suffering, Look forward to tomorrow
For that’s the beginning of the rest of my life with you
If you were to ask me the next 1st of June
The same question, I now know you asked to soon
I would smile and be happy, I’d be honest and overjoyed
I’d say yes, I meet her a year ago yesterday
Would I ever meet someone who’d make my day
Move slower while I wait, and not matter on a date
I would honestly reply with a no
But the funny thing about that lies
In the fact you’ll never know where life can go
You can meet someone, somewhere some day
That will forever change your soul
For the first time in years I feel alive
As if my spirits been completely revived
That’s why I’ll never take your love for granted or in vain
The only thing I need for certain's, when will I see you again
Everything about you cleanses me completely
As if an eternity’s been spent, absolving my sins to you discreetly
You make me feel whole, while overcome with so much more
Than any other power, I've ever been graced before
There is no pain, there is no sorrow
There is no suffering, Look forward to tomorrow
For that’s the beginning of the rest of my life with you
If you were to ask me the next 1st of June
The same question, I now know you asked to soon
I would smile and be happy, I’d be honest and overjoyed
I’d say yes, I meet her a year ago yesterday