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Dan by D.enD Lyrics

Genre: rap | Year: 2020

[D.enD & Dan]
Oh shoot. Yo, Dan whats going on?
Yerd, what up?
I was gonna ask what you think of the EP so far—but w-why you breathing like that?
Oh, I’m practicing my horchata my brudda, you gotta know how to dance to Spanish music to get the girls my dude
I mean, I’ve just been doing the Carlton to everything and it’s worked out pretty well for me so far but...You tryna get a Hispanic girl?
Nah, but everyone loves a dude who can dance horchata
What is that accent and who’s everybody?
Hispanic chicks, black chicks, white chicks, sisters, aunties, mothers, cousins--y’know if you knew how to dance, I’m sure Snow tha Product would’ve answered y--
Aight, okay, i get it
Nah don’t cut me off!
Tch, so you’re saying I should make some, like, Spanish type song, some bachata or something like that?
Bruh, I’m pretty sure it’s horchata, and you wilin dawg. That’s cultural appreciation or something like that but you do need a regular love song though
Hm, I guess you’re right
Aight peace
Alright, I’ll let you get back to it
Okay but it really horchata though?