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O A Smile of Blood by Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze Lyrics

Genre: rock | Year: 2019

From the cacophonous roar, beauty springs
A blood streaked rose rising from a pile of shit
We dance as the drones film us, and we fly higher than they
The only thing higher than our spirits are the flames
And the flames are more easily doused
It was only a matter of time before we danced on the faces of kings
All we can say is that we will try something different
If it works then it works. If it doesn’t then at least we tried
Our being in spite of yours
Holding hands and stomping ash and burning down the may pole
And the only ones who fear tomorrow are they that make t’morrow harder
O! a smile like blood!
Growing pains never stop we have outgrown our shell

I am that oil fire, black and burning and full of spite, tendrils in all directions
I singe the past and flood the future
Will the blood or the water reach our eyes first?
We will bear our young and birth them
In your lungs
In your hearts
In your minds
And in your young
And they will gorge themselves on you, and grow fat
As you were
An insect left to fester
That is fine. We embrace the shadows you loom over us
Soon they will be shadows no more
A lurking fear in the back of your heart