Three Wordless Books by Buck Gooter Lyrics
Wake me up when it’s all over!
I’ve done all I can do
I know all I need to know:
There’s less of me than you
Three wordless books I think about
All the time
And no one has paid
For those crimes
Even the knives are bleeding
Your eyes are falling
Out your head
But you don’t care
You decapitated yourself
Give the books their names back
Sacrifice the sun
Pull its souls out
I’ve done all I can do
I know all I need to know:
There’s less of me than you
Three wordless books I think about
All the time
And no one has paid
For those crimes
Even the knives are bleeding
Your eyes are falling
Out your head
But you don’t care
You decapitated yourself
Give the books their names back
Sacrifice the sun
Pull its souls out