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Something Special by Brother Husbands Lyrics

Genre: rock | Year: 2019


[Tristan Bentley]
Ugh I'm out of water..
Hahaha... ugh, I mean I think I have fuckin' whiplash

[James Sexton]
What have you been doing?

[Tristan Bentley]
Suckin' big... suckin' big hole
So anyway, uh, so we got like a little... a little something something for everybody. It's a special
Uh. It's about a dear friend of ours
Asa, is your mic on? Asa's mic is not on, so Asa's gonna have to tell you real nice and loud
Uh, who this song is about
It's a- try it out, is it on?

[Asa Wentworth]
[Tristan Bentley]
Oh, look at that! So, okay, so you don't have to yell
So, uh, yeah this song... we, we decided that we would...
Create for the- all of you
And uh, it's dedicated to a dear friend of ours
Asa, will-will you tell the people his-his name?

[Asa Wentworth]
His name is Opposum

[Tristan Bentley]