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IDrone: A Musical by Brock Baker Lyrics

Genre: misc | Year: 2012

I finally caved in, became one of them
Another mindless asshole
I play Words With Friends hours on end
Like all those other assholes

But why, oh why, did I make the sudden change?
Oh yeah, because my Blackberry broke
But now that I have my new rectangular friend
Other phones just seem like a joke

Oh, Berry...
I loved you, Berry...
I only kind of liked you, Berry...
Oh, on second thought, you were a shit friend, Berry...
And I'm glad you're gone because I've got an iPhone and it's got it going on

Apps, apps, this thing's got apps
This one makes fart noises, what'd you think of that?

Oh, and this one has Siri! Siri, why is Tyler Perry so popular?
(Fuckface McGinty, I don't understand black people)
What the fuck?

Whoa! Siri is racist! Oh, and I named myself Fuckface McGinty. I don't even wear glasses... what is, what is this?! I don't pop my collar! Who have I become?!

iPhone, youPhone, weallPhone for iPhone...