Boy Blonde by Boy Grapes Lyrics
[Skit: Boy Blonde]
I don't know what's going on um
My name is Boy Blonde and I've contributed nothing to this album about from this
So how about that, airline food haha yeah
I don't know what to say
I don' even know if this sounds good I'm in my car and my ideas suck
That's what's happened today, I don't know
I wish I could contribute to this album but I don't trust myself to do anything good or useful because I fucking suck
Um yeah that's me Boy Blonde I guess
I'm the best- the best in the Boy Boys for sure, most talented
I'm wandering through life with no purpose or ambition
There's birds flying over me, that's freedom innit? Free as a bird that's what they say
I am not free
I've got people telling me what to do every day
I don't know who I am bruh
What is real? Money's not real right okay this is why money's not real because cash means nothing to anyone
Cause you can't see the number
If you got all like everything in cash what can you do
That's like half the shit you can't buy and then money on your bank account is just a number
If the bank just like got hacked like you just I know it's hard to hack a bank but someone could just like wipe everyone's money and that's their whole money and theres no way of proving that you ever had it
That's weird innit
Money is not real
Imagine if aliens came down okay
Right hear me out
And they're just like what the fuck are you doing
Cause I'm out here pushing fucking broccoli around
Why aren't we all dedicated to one purpose like knowledge you know what I mean?
I don't know
How meaningless is my job
I guess I'm helping people but fuck it I don't wanna help people
Also art's weird do you ever think about
I don't know what if we're wasting our time by doing this
We all just want to understand ourselves so we have to create art we just have to create do you know what I mean like
In order to know who we are isn't it weird that we don't know who we are like
I've said "like" so many fucking times I want to kill myself
But in order to get a better understanding of ourselves we make music we makes films we make drawings, paintings
I like hide my- oh fuck me I keep saying like
I hide my lack of confidence by pretending that I am good, you know what I mean?
That's why I always catch myself saying like oh
"I'm the best at this, I'm the smartest at this, I'm good looking"
I like to pretend I'm good looking when I'm not
Sometimes I am though, uknowhatimsayin
You ever just look at yourself and you think wow I'm alright and next day you look at yourself it's so fucking wrong holy shit
It's weird to get it all out there even though I'm not talking about that much
I love myself and I hate myself and I'm scared to go on medication for my fucking mental health
Cause I want to be who I am and if I'm now who I am then like- cause I like who I am
And if I go on something that will change the way I act, then am I me?
This is weird I hope I ain't said none of this to Sean I haven't told many people this
None of these like thoughts like string together but I don't know
Figure something out
I don't know what's going on um
My name is Boy Blonde and I've contributed nothing to this album about from this
So how about that, airline food haha yeah
I don't know what to say
I don' even know if this sounds good I'm in my car and my ideas suck
That's what's happened today, I don't know
I wish I could contribute to this album but I don't trust myself to do anything good or useful because I fucking suck
Um yeah that's me Boy Blonde I guess
I'm the best- the best in the Boy Boys for sure, most talented
I'm wandering through life with no purpose or ambition
There's birds flying over me, that's freedom innit? Free as a bird that's what they say
I am not free
I've got people telling me what to do every day
I don't know who I am bruh
What is real? Money's not real right okay this is why money's not real because cash means nothing to anyone
Cause you can't see the number
If you got all like everything in cash what can you do
That's like half the shit you can't buy and then money on your bank account is just a number
If the bank just like got hacked like you just I know it's hard to hack a bank but someone could just like wipe everyone's money and that's their whole money and theres no way of proving that you ever had it
That's weird innit
Money is not real
Imagine if aliens came down okay
Right hear me out
And they're just like what the fuck are you doing
Cause I'm out here pushing fucking broccoli around
Why aren't we all dedicated to one purpose like knowledge you know what I mean?
I don't know
How meaningless is my job
I guess I'm helping people but fuck it I don't wanna help people
Also art's weird do you ever think about
I don't know what if we're wasting our time by doing this
We all just want to understand ourselves so we have to create art we just have to create do you know what I mean like
In order to know who we are isn't it weird that we don't know who we are like
I've said "like" so many fucking times I want to kill myself
But in order to get a better understanding of ourselves we make music we makes films we make drawings, paintings
I like hide my- oh fuck me I keep saying like
I hide my lack of confidence by pretending that I am good, you know what I mean?
That's why I always catch myself saying like oh
"I'm the best at this, I'm the smartest at this, I'm good looking"
I like to pretend I'm good looking when I'm not
Sometimes I am though, uknowhatimsayin
You ever just look at yourself and you think wow I'm alright and next day you look at yourself it's so fucking wrong holy shit
It's weird to get it all out there even though I'm not talking about that much
I love myself and I hate myself and I'm scared to go on medication for my fucking mental health
Cause I want to be who I am and if I'm now who I am then like- cause I like who I am
And if I go on something that will change the way I act, then am I me?
This is weird I hope I ain't said none of this to Sean I haven't told many people this
None of these like thoughts like string together but I don't know
Figure something out