Paloma by Boston Montana Lyrics
I'll bet 5 dollars
That I won't make a cent
From these verses I sing
I can't make it ring
Supporting myself
I just don't get
How to be on my own
I'm going to end up dead
If I put weight to these words
I'd sound more sound
Than I sound right now
My hollows filled heavy
I could mean something to somebody I'll never meet
I am the claptrap of my friends
Pretentious and empty
I'll slip out the back door
Make my way past your sentries
And I'll be unnoticed
I know that I will be
If I put weight to these words
I'd sound more sound
Than I sound right now
My hollows filled heavy
I could mean something to somebody I'll never meet
That I won't make a cent
From these verses I sing
I can't make it ring
Supporting myself
I just don't get
How to be on my own
I'm going to end up dead
If I put weight to these words
I'd sound more sound
Than I sound right now
My hollows filled heavy
I could mean something to somebody I'll never meet
I am the claptrap of my friends
Pretentious and empty
I'll slip out the back door
Make my way past your sentries
And I'll be unnoticed
I know that I will be
If I put weight to these words
I'd sound more sound
Than I sound right now
My hollows filled heavy
I could mean something to somebody I'll never meet