A Mazing Tonic by Bomethius Lyrics
Ask me tomorrow about my things
About my trip among mythic triremes
Alter my texture, answer my trick
Ascend my tower against marble thick
Air moves, twirls, and mixes threads
Across mighty tempests another man treads
Actions made thought, atoms must tremor
As memories thundered at mental terror
Auras mask truth as Medusa trembles
At majestic torches atop mystic temples
Anchoring my tent against mushroom trees
Animals morph to acquire mayflowers three
A moment trickles and migrates twice
Along moving turns and meanders thrice
After miles travelled and music transcends
Awareness melts to adapt melodic trends
Amongst moving trees another mad tripper
Amidst many trails another mind twister
Ask me tomorrow about my things
As my tongue absorbs magical tea
Ask me tomorrow about my things
After my tales awaken mirthful times
Ask me tomorrow
(Spoken: “All Most There!”)
About my trip among mythic triremes
Alter my texture, answer my trick
Ascend my tower against marble thick
Air moves, twirls, and mixes threads
Across mighty tempests another man treads
Actions made thought, atoms must tremor
As memories thundered at mental terror
Auras mask truth as Medusa trembles
At majestic torches atop mystic temples
Anchoring my tent against mushroom trees
Animals morph to acquire mayflowers three
A moment trickles and migrates twice
Along moving turns and meanders thrice
After miles travelled and music transcends
Awareness melts to adapt melodic trends
Amongst moving trees another mad tripper
Amidst many trails another mind twister
Ask me tomorrow about my things
As my tongue absorbs magical tea
Ask me tomorrow about my things
After my tales awaken mirthful times
Ask me tomorrow
(Spoken: “All Most There!”)