Alchemy of Flesh by Blaze of Perdition Lyrics
The fire of lust burns within my flesh, it's mighty energy boils harder and harder
I feel it burning me from the inside, I have awaken the ancient goddess of perversion
Let me cross all the borders through ecstasy, let me join the chaotic pulse of goddishness
Drown in the endless, reach the perfect
There is no sin, there are no limitations, the only barrier is human fleshness
Only ultra state of joy and pain shall let me step into the highs of being, so I may join the ecstasy eternal
Oh, goddess of perversion, it is thee, named Satan by the chosen nation, for thou hath given man the fruit of life true
Thou hath shown him the joy and the primary law of love addicted to will, of love to sin
Goddess, crawling as a serpent trough my feeble flesh, burn me as fire from the inside
On altars of madness I give myself to thee, I give thee my semen and my blood
For me thou shalt change into a woman of body fine, with smell of almonds and flowers
And all for me to reach implementation drowned in amob of endless joy
Now, that we are one, flesh has lost it's worth, there is no sex, no good nor evil, Satan nor God
There is only eternal fire burning our bodies, so they shan't rot on bottom of earth
That is the forbidden knowledge of salvation, sexual trance, path to nothingness
To awaken the holy might of Kundalini, to burn for ages in the abyss
I feel it burning me from the inside, I have awaken the ancient goddess of perversion
Let me cross all the borders through ecstasy, let me join the chaotic pulse of goddishness
Drown in the endless, reach the perfect
There is no sin, there are no limitations, the only barrier is human fleshness
Only ultra state of joy and pain shall let me step into the highs of being, so I may join the ecstasy eternal
Oh, goddess of perversion, it is thee, named Satan by the chosen nation, for thou hath given man the fruit of life true
Thou hath shown him the joy and the primary law of love addicted to will, of love to sin
Goddess, crawling as a serpent trough my feeble flesh, burn me as fire from the inside
On altars of madness I give myself to thee, I give thee my semen and my blood
For me thou shalt change into a woman of body fine, with smell of almonds and flowers
And all for me to reach implementation drowned in amob of endless joy
Now, that we are one, flesh has lost it's worth, there is no sex, no good nor evil, Satan nor God
There is only eternal fire burning our bodies, so they shan't rot on bottom of earth
That is the forbidden knowledge of salvation, sexual trance, path to nothingness
To awaken the holy might of Kundalini, to burn for ages in the abyss