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Exhale by Behold, The Tarantella Lyrics

Genre: rock | Year: 2015

Consumed by the fluctuation of energy. A shift into the abstract. I lose composure as I attempt to rise to my feet; my vision nearly depletes

Gaining momentum, I emerge from between the cracks of my own display. From a fractured shell, I emanate

I've never felt so alive

A surge of vitality emits through my fingertips as they lift me from the concrete. I found my purpose, I have found my identity. The fear is leaving me

Illuminate brighter than the sun. Remove the darkness from where light once was
I can’t recall the last time I've made sense of fate. Overcome with peace of mind
With the hope that he can conjure harmony. A source of divinity refined

I peered into his eyes for the last time

"These hands have never held a soul of such selfless action. His eyes like aster - fractal deep into the core - they radiate. Scarlet seas flood the earth beneath as it slips through the cracks in my hands."

I feel myself slipping away