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Self-Worth Extended Metaphor Poem by Behan the Scene Lyrics

Genre: misc | Year: 2017

You’re worth more than a headstone, because
You’re an emblem of tenacity.
I have invested in you and embed since our roots.
Think about this attempt you may do before you commute.
Don’t tread too far from living. However, keep your distance;
A ways from what you’re thinking right now.
That’s what isn’t worth it.
I’d feel the same way if I was in your position.
This is someone who’s thinking of a brood move.
Looped noose.
Loose screws.
Sinking in a deep blues
And I can’t imagine what it’d be like in your shoes.
Because I can’t fit them
I know you don’t fit in.
This is a spacious place that does NOT need your pigment.
What matters is your existence.
But, this is your decision.

I prevented “is” from becoming “were”
But, not yet, because all of this comes down to you.
When things get harder, you’ll go for the easy way out.
You have a bright future, but, all blacks in it
Follow me, I’ll get you out of this
I can provide you with a safe haven, with help
I can provide you with a real best friend.
Because you’re worth more than a shelf, layaway or those sidelines.
Because what’s worth more is your health, another day, the brightsides.
Not a hanger
You’re worth way more than you think you are
And that’s why I am here right now, writing and speaking to you
I can be here for you, just have trust in me as I have faith in you
You. You. You.
You are worth a million eyes that can see you as the way you are
So pick and choose, but whatever you do.
Just know someone is here for you.