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Nefarious Voracity by Before The Harvest Lyrics

Genre: rock | Year: 2015

This planet.. This planet is dying
With every tectonic shift.. They feel the earth screaming for reprieve

It Suffers at the hands of the beasts that it birthed into existence
Such a destructive, selfish, existence..
The progress has been, For the most part.. Slow..

The great knowledge passed down through the chemistry of their organic structure, is wasted on them
"Life" as they know it.. Is beginning to change

They can smell it in the wind
They can taste it in the epidermis of their fabricated reality..
They are afraid

This fear perpetuates their motivation to become more
To fight
To exist..
And yet, It is fruitless for them to persist
For they are the very cause of their own demise..

And from the ashes of their self-induced ruin, our kind shall rise
Bathed in glorious purpose