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Fortdub by Baliano Lyrics

Genre: pop | Year: 2020

[Verse 1]
I used to play Fortnite when I was in high school
Back when it meant ten dubs you were so cool
People saying oh yeah I started in season one
When everyone knew you started season 3 idiot

[Verse 2]
Let me just say I don't care about how good you are
How fast you build kill clap I don't even go that far
All that matters is how many wins you have
And if you don't have more then ten join my clan man

[Verse 3]
Let me slow it down here, for you little younger fellows
Fortnite isn't good anymore, its sourcing code is Jello
And with all the garbage gun additions and freaky fast healings
I'd rather read a book and learn not trying to hurt your feelings

[Verse 4]
So I stopped playing it, and trust me it wasn't even that hard
I moved on too rocket league, a game better where you can actually drive a car
And played some rainbow six siege, where aim actually matters and means something
I knew I'd never go back to Fortnite, especially when I never spent any of my cha-ching
[Verse 5]
But I'm going to have to be honest and tell you that I moved in with a roommate who was playing it
One night I walked in and the new season was released it was super tempting, dang it
I downloaded it onto my pc and played with him for hours until my eyes hurt
The next day I couldn't believe what I've done I repented of my crimes cuz I fell short

[Verse 6]
Let me, tell you, one more, thing
Fortnite, makes me, rage like, ding
Whoever made this game I can say is a genius
He's got to be making so much money he could purchase a robotic weenus

[Verse 7]
I'm glad to see that everyone in the community actually hates it
The games deserves its praises for being a worthless piece of dip-crap
What's this, a new creative mode where you can play with your friends and build stuff
What happened to the Battle Royale mode that we all actually really loved

[Verse 8]
Yeah yeah I'm almost done don't get too excited to hear me stop singing just yet because I
Need to sing a little more to fulfill my part in this song like Staggy Boy and I agreed
Do take take this next part to heart because its really coming from mine listen to me
Spit some facts because you probably never heard anything like this before buddy

[Verse 9]
I'm going to let you see a side of me that you have never seen before baby
A side of me that wants to let loose and rap but has always held back because of embarrassment
So what do you think about the way I sound because I'm
[Verse 10]
Yeah, I'd rather be an Overwatch queer than be loosely associated with Fortnite
I'd rather have a beer belly than be associated with Fortnite
I'd rather be bashed in the below region than be associated with Fortnite
I'd rather smoke weed than be associated with Fortnite and trust me that's saying something I don't want to smoke pot it's the least respectable of all illegal drugs

[Verse 11]
But let's just make a quick concession and acknowledge that this procession is unhealthy and mega-cringe
The toxic culture, the fact that people don't respect you no matter how good a player you are until you spend money on micro transactions

[Verse 12]
I could be the best Fortnite player on earth, I could be the best in the whole world, but if I don't have a skin people are just mean to me for no reason
Imagine being so stupid

[Verse 13]
Okay but now let's get real
It's time for some real talk
Perhaps the real problem is our cultural obsession our constant progression our addiction to dopamine release and instant gratification
And mindless consumerism
Is the source of anxiety and depression
It's raping the Earth
We're not consuming resources at a replenishable rate
We're ripping off the future generation
Just for short-term benefits and dopamine releases
Mindless consumerism is the real problem facing this generation
And Fortnite exemplifies that in its microtransactions
I hate Fortnite
I hate Fortnite
I don't like it