Songs by Nightmare6
- Alone in a room
- Alright
- Another Fucking NIGHTMARE
- Another fucking Nightmare released
- Bad bitch Diss to Lucifer2019
- Cadillacs
- Changes
- Dance macabre
- Dancing on my own
- Darkness spreads
- Darks Angels
- Dear Aubrey
- Dear Savannah
- Death of me
- Demon
- Does he notice
- Emotions
- Empty
- Energy rock version
- Fell in love with the devil
- Fire raising
- Forever
- Fun and Games
- Heart Break
- Hello Darkness my old friend
- Highway
- I love U
- I love you
- I messed up
- I need an angel
- Im sorry
- In love with love
- It hurts inside
- Its Time To Say Your Goodbyes
- Killed someone for u
- Kiss goodnight
- Let me die
- Lonely Wolf Pup
- Love
- Love is painful
- Love Song
- Lucifer
- My biggest Regret
- My tears
- Nightmare
- Nobody knows
- Nobodys home
- Now Im gone
- Pennywise the dancing clown
- Play time
- Rock and Roll
- Satan
- Scars
- Secrets
- Sorry for everything
- TheRadioDemon
- Welcome to my Horrible Life
- Welcome To Your Enternal Nightmare
- What the hell