Songs by Jake Thackray
- Brother Gorilla Le gorille
- Caroline Diggeby-Pratte
- Country Boy
- Country Girl
- Dog
- Family Grave
- Family Tree
- Famous People
- Fine Bay Pony
- Freda
- Go Little Swale
- Grandad
- Isabel Makes Love upon National Monuments
- Isabella Marinette
- Isobel
- Ive Been Left on the Shelf
- Jolly Captain
- Joseph
- Jumble Sale
- Le Cygne Noir
- Leopold Alcox
- Little Thomas Haverley
- Lullaby
- Miss World
- Mrs Murphy
- My Pipe my Boots and my Lord
- My Roly Poly Girl
- Nurse
- Old Molly Metcalfe
- On Again On Again
- On the Shelf
- One of Them
- One-Eyed Isaac
- Over to Isobel Je rejoindrai ma belle
- Pass Milord the Rooster Juice
- Personal Column
- Remember Bethlehem
- Romance
- Salvation Army Girl
- Scallywag
- Sister Josephine
- Slowly Our Eyes
- Sophie
- The Ballad of Billy Kershaw
- The Black Swan
- The Blacksmith and the Toffee-Maker
- The Brigadier
- The Bull
- The Cactus
- The Castleford Ladies Magic Circle
- The Girl in the Window
- The Girl with the Fragile Eyes
- The Gravedigger
- The Hair of the Widow of Bridlington
- The Hole
- The Kirkstall Road Girl
- The Kiss
- The Ladies Basic Freedoms Polka
- The Little Black Foal
- The Lodger
- The Policemans Jig
- The Poor Sod
- The Prisoner
- The Rain on the Mountainside
- The Remembrance
- The Shepherdess
- The Singer
- The Statues
- The Tortoise
- The Vicars Missus
- To Do With You
- Tra La La
- Ulysees
- Worried Brown Eyes