Songs by It Dies Today
- A Port In Any Storm
- A Romance By The Wings Of Icarus
- A Threnody For Modern Romance
- Black Bile White Lies
- Come Undone
- Complacence Without Pursuit Lividity
- Enjoy the Silence
- Feliz Navidad
- Forever Scorned
- Life Of Uncertainty
- Marigold
- Miss October
- My Promise
- On The Road To Damnation
- Reckless Abandon
- Sacred Heart Sacre Coeur
- Sentiments Of You
- Sirens
- Thank You For Drinking
- The Architects
- The Bacchanal Affair
- The Caitiff Choir: Defeatism
- The Caitiff Choir: Revelations
- The Depravity Waltz
- The Heart String Fallacy
- The Last Face Shell Ever See
- The Radiance
- The Requiem For Broken Hearts
- Through Leaves Over Bridges