Songs by Herman Melville
- A Dance in the Valley
- A Dealer in the Contraband
- A Dinner-Party in Imeeo
- A Glance at Papeetee — We Are Sent Aboard the Frigate
- A Hunting Ramble With Zeke
- A Party of Rovers — Little Loo and the Doctor
- A Ramble Through the Settlement
- A Scene in the Forecastle
- A Sea-Parlour Described With Some of Its Tenants
- A Surprise — More About Bembo
- An Island Jilt — We Visit the Ship
- Cathedral of Papoar — The Church of the Cocoa-Nuts
- Chips and Bungs
- Death and Burial of Two of the Crew
- Doctor Long Ghost a Wag — One of His Capers
- Farming in Polynesia
- Fragments of a Lost Gnostic Poem of the 12th Century
- Further Account of the Julia
- How They Dress in Tahiti
- How We Were to Get to Taloo
- Jermin Encounters an Old Shipmate
- Jermin Serves Us a Good Turn — Friendships in Polynesia
- Life at Loohooloo
- Life at the Calabooza
- Little Julia Sails Without Us
- Magnanimity Baffled
- Missionarys Sermon With Some Reflections
- Mosquitoes
- Motoo-Otoo a Tahitian Casuist
- Mrs. Bell
- My Reception Aboard
- Mysterious
- One Is Judged by the Company He Keeps
- Our Destination Changed
- Our Reception in Partoowye
- Outbreak of the Crew
- Preparing for the Journey
- Proceedings of the Consul
- Proceedings of the French at Tahiti
- Queen Pomaree
- Reception From the Frenchman
- Retiring for the Night — The Doctor Grows Devout
- Rope Yarn
- Same Subject Continued
- Shiloh
- Some Account of the Ship
- Some Account of the Wild Cattle in Polynesia
- Something About the Kannakippers
- Something Happens to Long Ghost
- Sweet Dreams
- Tahiti
- Tahiti As It Is
- Taloo Chapel — Holding Court in Polynesia
- Tamai
- The Calabooza Beretanee
- The Cocoa-Palm
- The Consuls Departure
- The Coral Islands
- The French Priests Pay Their Respects
- The Hegira or Flight
- The Hunting-Feast and a Visit to Afrehitoo
- The Journey Round the Beach
- The Maldive Shark
- The Murphies
- The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids
- The Portent
- The Reine Blanche
- The Round Robin — Visitors From Shore
- The Second Hunt in the Mountains
- The Second Night Off Papeetee
- The Tattooers of La Dominica
- The Valley of Martair
- They Take Us Ashore — What Happened There
- Visit From an Old Acquaintance
- We Are Carried Before the Consul and the Captain
- We Encounter a Gale
- We Enter the Harbour — Jim the Pilot
- We Levy Contributions on the Shipping
- We Receive Calls at the Hotel de Calabooza
- We Start for Taloo
- We Steer to the Westward — State of Affairs
- We Take Unto Ourselves Friends
- We Touch at La Dominica
- We Visit the Court
- What Happened at Hannamanoo
- What Happened at Hytyhoo
- What They Thought of Us in Martair
- Which Ends the Book
- Wilson Gives Us the Cut — Departure for Imeeo