Songs by Atlantean Kodex
- A Prophet In The Forest
- A Secret Byzantium Numbered As Sand And The Stars
- Chariots Descending From Zagros
- Enthroned in Clouds and Fire The Great Cleansing
- Fountain Of Nepenthe
- He Who Walks Behind The Years The Place Of Sounding Drums
- Lion Of Chaldea The Heroes’ Journey
- People Of The Moon Dawn Of Creation
- Pilgrim
- Sol Invictus With Faith and Fire
- Spell Of The Western Sea Among Wolves And Thieves
- The Alpha And The Occident Rising From Atlantean Tombs
- The Atlantean Kodex
- The Course Of Empire All Thrones in Earth And Heaven
- The Hidden Folk
- The Innermost Light Sensus Fidei
- The White Ship
- The White Ship Intro
- Vesperal Hymn
- White Goddess Unveiled Crown of the Sephiroth